Sunday, November 29, 2009

Mafia Gangz 1st showcase goin to be at starcruise dope rite?! haha we prac for the last rehearsal at fresh beat frm 8pm till 4am, to make it perfect. After 4am went back tired, ate supper then go back home sleep, so then we prepared everythin for 2moro. By 8.35am i woke up coz , what fon vibrating and i check 19 miss cal wtf!? the calls all frm Tz, so i check my window, all my members are there acept Alex so i rush like hel take my stuff and i asked my dad fetch us all and hurry to the jetty, but we were glad we were able to make it a 9 sharp haha, what a relief, then alex came mins late then the shuttle ship take us to the starcruise, this is the 1st time im in the starcrise, my mom always tells me stories bout it and it was a blast in there. So we gt no room to sleep the ship was fuly booked coz of thier 16 annivasary party. We ound a place to sleep that is the movie room, haha, Dope chair damn relaxing XD. then after sleep me and alex go bboy in the lobby damn street weyy. When the others awake d, we go rehearse the performance. We thought our performance at 8pm, mana tau its at 1am, so we chill and till 12.50 and w go to the performace place. Many people sa our performance dope, thx to tz who choreo for us, after performance we go partyyy!! till 3am we all mafia head down to casino, jackson play but then in the end he lose all hahahaha.. when it was 6am, we decided to sleep.. ate breakfast at 7am, 10am reach penang, go home straight K.O

Arriving at the port

inside the shuttle ship

with slot machinesXD

takin our nap in movie room

Mafia Gangz all day everyday

Sunday, November 22, 2009

my 17th birthday

i woke up at 11 by a call and it was jun yu, i have not enuf sleep on that day coz me and sean play online game at cc. So im force to wake coz jun yu wanna chill. After chill awhile he went back, then 1 hour later Tz came hahah. THen me, sean and Tz go chill sumhere and tok bout hairstyles coz sean wanna dye his hair. after few hours my birthday and guess whos my chef? Bboy Tz in the house hahaah! It was kinda fun coz i reunited the wasabi crew our high school crew which became damn popular b4, but then we split up coz we go each other ways, but then even we are in different crew we stil close no matter wat. after all the laughter and eating in my birthday, we decided to do Bboy Pinoy Roc birthday bboy jam, so we battle each other till 12am, then we all decided go shishar-Arabic smoke, coz our fren Jon-Flirty has to go bck Ipoh, so we go celebrate haha. After that go home, then sleep at 6am = =.

Woke up 12 next morning coz we gotta go gp chill haha.. when we in the car sean wanna bring a bboy group or crew called MAFIA GANGZ and he told us later lets go cypher on the streets. When we arrive gp they all wan watch movie LOL watch ASTRO BOY. no money d so my friend pricsilla, take us go sneak in to the cinema! haha we damn wack man, then it was a sucess. ASTRO BOY was kinda nice movie btw haha. After the movie we cypher on the gurney 7th floor, Damn street man, we let all the people see our stuff damn, summore we down till nightfall then cypher outside and take video.

me and spritez

the family

my cake

flirtyone and me

Mafia gangz

open circle

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Bboy of the month Nov

The day before my birthday was bboy of the month. THis bboy of the month is the dopest ever, more bboys join this time and it was raw. Crazy, i met up Bboy khenobu the judge for nov, damn! he so dope, he is just only 16 and the best in Malaysia, cyphering with him was so dope full of energy sick man!!! After the cypher the battle start, 1st i was up with Shor-t, i was like fucked! but i believe that i can do it, then i reali did it, i won, my confidence rise. I was nt scared of anything at all after that till i reached in the final, met with Develle frm floor flava my ex leader, and i lost, i was worn out and cnt go anymore on the 3rd throwndown and i just cant go and said CHAMPION! YOUR A REAL CHAMPION!. alot of bboys expect me to win but its not easy for 5 rounds, but i was happy. I lost then i lay down and guess wat? All the participant just jump on me Alot of bboys said that i improved like shit man!. After that i talked to the judge Khenobu, he said you are a dope bboy, your gud in hearing the music, u kill the beat always,you are fierce in battle, he said that if i work harder i can be the best and he asked me to join red bull bc Malaysia in Sabah, but then i cnt go haha, my budget not enough. After all that went to celebrate and eat if my bboy friends..

Representing Basix Prosoulz

Judge bboy khenobu and me

1st runner up and bboy of the month- bboy develle

Judge Bboy khenobu

Top 4 Battle. Me vs Super B

1ST round. Me vs Bboy shor-t

Top 8 Battle. Me vs bboy Sinner

Final battle. me vs bboy develle

Monday, November 16, 2009

Boring days

This days boring.. got nothin to do. my lifestyle is like Eat, Sleep, Shit and Train my bboy, if i got nothing to do i will usually dance bboy, whenever i dance bboy I have like a shadow who keeps me accompany. Im reali kinda feel down always i din get to see my girl for almost a month d, 3 weeks, shes damn busy with stuff, so i gotta wait man, i reali missed her sigh,but i gotta focus on my stuff.. Hope everything will be gud between me and her =). Bboy of the month is like 2 days away man and is the day before my birthday, but i dun care lose or becum the champion, its not my time to win yet, maybe 1 day i will keep winning, just believe in myself.. in dec 13 Dope competition coming up I-Dance BBoy Battle,Bboy Katsu everybody bboy hero frm Japan is gonna judge us Cash prize 300 USD, so gotta train hard man, gotta practice and i have to put more effort if I wanna do well. Workshop by Bboy Katsu on dec 12, gotta go man, i wanna learn more from him. Im feeling kinda exhausted this days, im kinda forcing myself to reach a higher level of my dance but its real hard, hope i do it!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Rockin at Psdc college prom nite

Jun yu pick me and jackson yang at 2pm to go his house wait for Alex and elaine. When they arrive we went to komtar, go 2nd hand shop that sell shirts and pants, damn! i love second hand shop btw this where most Malaysia bboys buy thier clohes and pants too coz its fresh and you can never see them at Malaysia. Jackson and jun yu bought dickies pants for our show at psdc. After that when to kapitan and chill awhile. Then we head to paradise hotel and rehearse there, after reach 7 something is our opening ceremony, but then we fucked up.. some of them concentrate, but me i was attaked by asthma, but i just take it till the last part, i lose focus till my solo. Im wack man!.. We were damn dissapointed, the people wanna see so much from us, but nvm the 2nd show we must do even better.. WE were damn hungry after that, elain ask us whether we wanna eat, we all dunwan coz we fell ashamed of our show, end p we just take as many fud and eat. Jackson ate 3 plates of rice, crazy!. While me, eat like a dog, like a beggar like never eat for 3 days = =. After that, we talk crap then take stupid videos of us. Then the 2nd showcase, ya this time we gotta prove what we got, the 2nd show was gud enough, we did well we were happy of the result =]. But hen we make sum small mistake then we were able to cover. We went home after that, I met my family at my house mamak stall, then chill over there.

Second hand shop at komtar..

drinkin my teh tarik at kapitan

arriving at paradise

Me and alex

Cute Jun yu


the sign of, Fuck off and peace

3 musketeers..

Alex and elaine

Jun yu and our senior b4

Me and jun yu

jackson and me

Monday, November 2, 2009

psdc rehearsal

yesterday we have to rehearsal at psdc college, but at 5.00 pm like that Alex was downstair at my house, he ask me to go down practice, manatahu he and elaine dating swt! end up we did not prac we chit chat only.

Elaine the photographer

Taken by elaine Lol

elaine and alex showing thier love for each other

THen 6.00pm we bounce to jun yu house,Alex ask us take care his car, we gt bored because i dunno what took them so long. so me and jackson yang took some random pictures

Pinoy Roc

Jackson yang aka Lil yangz aka nipple pincher

streets of penang..

After a while of waiting they finally bounce to psdc college, well we were damn scared of Alex driving, he was in a mood to drive fast, we keep shouting at the back arghh!!!! Alex car!, Alex motor!. Damn scared of his driving haha.

bored nothin to do take lala pics

We reach psdc for rehearsal then the we did not reali rehearse because of the floor is carpet its hard to spin around. After rehearsing, damn hungry go eat dinnner lol, everybody ordered western food accept for me I ordered hockien mee, but then no regrets my dinner was hella dope! after a bog bowl of hockien mee,I ate tosai, kind anice too =] haha. After that went bck home

Sunday, November 1, 2009

khalil fong-sing a long song

I heard this song that day it was kinda nice to hear, i love the lyrics =]

I wrote this song it's not too long
cos' I've been thinking 'bout you
I wrote this song maybe I'm wrong
To be caught up about you

Well I dont know what you think 'bout me
Maybe you think nothing at all
But maybe you could just lie to me
And we could be in love you see

Oh it's a singalong song that's not too long
It's when I think about you that I hear songs
And you can singalong maybe if you want to
Cos' baby I wrote this I wrote this for you

I wrote this song it's not too long
Cos' I'm the one who loves you
I wrote this song this can't be wrong
I don't wanna smile without you

Well I just want to make you happy
but maybe you want nothing at all
and how I wish that you're meant to be
forever and a day with me

Oh it's a singalong song that's not too long
It's when I think about you that I hear songs
And you can singalong maybe if you want to
Cos' baby I wrote this I wrote this for you

In everyway you mean more to me
than you'll ever know
girl I'll do my best to show these words are true
and if you'd like to make a song
and be a perfect harmony with me
I'd find the greatest words sing
so we could write our own romance

Oh it's a singalong song that's not too long
It's when I think about you that I hear songs
And you can singalong maybe if you want to
Cos' baby I wrote this I wrote this for you

Oh it's a singalong song that's not too long
It's when I think about you that I hear songs
And you can singalong maybe if you want to
Cos' baby I wrote this I wrote this for you

Cos' baby I wrote this I wrote this for you
the reason i change my name FiLiPz to Pinoy roc, is that i wanna change myself to be a better person, Filipz, me is like a gangster, showing off that he could fight but the truth is his a coward,i always get bullied before, i always think im rite, always think im correct. but then im wrong, i always do immature stuff, talk without thinking, im a cry baby too, little things wil cry. Sad to i abandon my ex gf because of my friends, i never appriciate it, i nvr appriciate my parents too, regrets..i betray my sifu in bboying. i betray my own crew before, i left my crewmates like bros to me. sad to say because my heart is black. they were reali sad for me to go, im full of lies before. Till 1 day i change myself slowly to become a better person, then slowly i figure a name to change PINOY ROC, why pinoy roc? because my mom is pinoy and i love rocking the song, so thats how my name up, frm that day i dun always mix with my other friends, i mix with my true friends, i reali abandon .u before im sorry guys.. after all i done, they all still forgive me of wat i have and im grateful.. Pinoy roc is a better person, i learn how to love people,learn how to forgive and forget. Pinoy roc is better in bboying, his not scared of anybody in battling, he just love to battle! . Well i reali hate my oldself, i need to appriciate my friends always, my family and also my love for a girl. Im a better person now, i wanna to be a gud and humble person. wanna do the right things for me in the future, need to be strong man, im who im, im myself. im goin to be 18 come on wake up man! i wanna reach my goal, Forget my past luk ahead..